Links to other resources


Rhea reactions have links to the following resources that contain related information:

ResourceData typeSource of link
ChEBIreaction participantRhea curation
ENZYMEenzyme classification (EC number)ENZYME curation
UniProtenzyme (UniProtKB protein)UniProt curation
Gene Ontologymolecular functionGO consortium curation
MetaCyc and EcoCycreactionRhea curation
KEGGreactionRhea curation
ReactomereactionRhea automatic mapping based on ChEBI
M-CSA/MACiEreactionRhea automatic mapping based on ChEBI
PubMedbibliographic citationRhea curation



Most links are shown in the section Cross-references of an entry, where they are presented in a table that shows the reaction direction of the linked record.

Example: RHEA:19253


The links to the publications that were used to curate a reaction are displayed in the Publications section of an entry. If a publication was used to curate several reactions, you can navigate to the other reactions as illustrated in the figure below.