RHEA:40513 Reaction with net flow from right to left. help_outline


UniProtKB help_outline 3 proteins

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RHEA:40511 RHEA:40512 RHEA:40513 RHEA:40514
Reaction direction help_outline undefined left-to-right right-to-left bidirectional
UniProtKB help_outline
EC numbers help_outline
Gene Ontology help_outline
KEGG help_outline
MetaCyc help_outline
EcoCyc help_outline



Published in: Sharma, M., Abayakoon, P., Lingford, J.P., Epa, R., John, A., Jin, Y., Goddard-Borger, E.D., Davies, G.J. and Williams, S.J. Dynamic structural changes accompany the production of dihydroxypropanesulfonate by sulfolactaldehyde reductase. ACS Catalysis 10 (2020) 2826–2836. DOI:10.1021/acscatal.9b04427